Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And here it is!

Just received my preview copies Angel Creek in the post today. SO exciting! I love the cover with its shiny gold bits. The gold doesn't show up well on a scanner, so here is a very ordinary iphone snap of it on my bedspread, nevertheless capturing it in all its shiny glory.
Only twenty-eight sleeps til it's out in the world! Yay!


  1. That really is exciting. Book covers just keep getting better and better. This one invites you to just delve in.

  2. yesyesyesyes! it looks beautiful.

  3. Oo, it's gorgeous, sally. I LOVE the title font too. very very exciting! jxx

  4. Thanks Jen and Kate. Just posted some copies off to friends overseas and couldn't resist showing off to my local postmaster and his wife. They 'oohed' and 'aahed' most appropriately.

  5. Congratulations Sally. Is it a children's book?
    The cover is gorgeous. Well done!

  6. Hi Renee, yes, it is for middle to upper primary. I'm guessing 8 to 12 year olds. There are some bits that could be a little bit scary for very young children, but this would obviously depend on the child. I read it to a sample group of kids from my son's school who ranged from grade two through to grade six. There was a little girl in grade two whose eyes would grow very wide in some parts of the book, but she loved it all the same. Definitely not as scary as a lot of what Roald Dahl wrote! I think kids like to be a little scared sometimes anyway. Provided things all work out in the end. SPOILER ALERT: Which they do!

  7. I'll have to buy a copy of Angel Creek for Sienna. She's a huge fan of Billie B Brown and although it's completely different, I'm sure she'll love it! I'm know I will. I really enjoy reading your short stories you've posted. I agree that the front cover looks very intriguing.

  8. Thanks Renee! I'd love to hear what you and Sienna think of it.
