Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Winding down and looking forward to 2010!

I've had a busy year, illustrating and writing, and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished books early next year. First one to hit the stores will be a book I illustrated for Black Dog Books, written by Gabrielle Wang. It's called The Race For The Chinese Zodiac and we are looking at launching it in February 2010.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Thousand Words Festival

Martine Murray and I will be appearing at the Thousand Words Festival (see below) between 11.40 - 12.20 pm to chat about the making of Mannie and the Long Brave Day
Storytime sessions with Andrew Daddo, Anna Pignataro, Anna Walker,
Tony Wilson, Sally Rippin, Martine Murray & Dan Jerris
Talk and reading by multiple CBCA award winner Glenda Millard
YA fantasy panel with Michael Pryor, Jen Storer and Lili Wilkinson
PLUS book signings, generous giveaways, free Go-Go Class, competitions, craft activities,
and a special appearance by SANTA!!!
Cost: Author Sessions: $10 adult full day, $5 child full day, children under 2 FREE.
$5 young adult fantasy panel. Plenty of free activities too!
Saturday 21st November
10am – 5pm
The Abbotsford Convent
1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Family Fun Day
As Children’s Week celebrations draw to a close, a new initiative—Children365: celebrate them every day—will be launched at Melbourne Museum on Sunday 1 November 2009.
The concept for Children365 was developed after the tragic death of Darcey Freeman in early 2009. Following the loss of their precious little girl, Darcey’s mother and her family suggested an annual day to cherish all children. They asked the Alannah and Madeline Foundation to help make it a reality. The Alannah and Madeline Foundation initiative Children365 encourages all of us to cherish our children every single day of the year.
The Victorian State Government is proud to partner this initiative and by hosting a family fun day to launch the beginning of Children365. This day signifies the end of a week of celebrating children and the commitment to cherish and protect our children every day of the year. Melbourne Museum is supporting Children365 by generously offering FREE entry for all adult patrons on Sunday 1 November 2009. Concession and children 16 years and under are free every day.
A wide range of free activities will take place throughout the family fun day including – kite and puppet making workshops, chalk drawing, appearances from Premier’s Reading Challenge Ambassadors, sports and games, arts and crafts, entertainment and lots more!
The museum is open from 10am until 5pm. Most of the free activities will run from 10.30am until approximately 3.30pm (some will finish a little later). Andy will be speaking at 1.00pm. Some activities will be held outside the museum (in marquees such as the kite making), but most will take place inside. A full program of the day will be distributed to patrons attending the event and will also be available on our website from mid October.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Mannie and the Long LONG Brave Day

Friday, September 11, 2009
Blog reviews of Chenxi
"I can tell you as an Asian that Sally Rippin nailed 1980s China/Asia. There was a point while reading the novel when I wanted to cry because I was so happy that although Sally is a wai guo ren, she captured 1980s China/Asia so honestly (both the good and the bad) but without being patronizing.
I want to read this novel all over again. I read the North American edition and I think I will be receiving the Australian edition in the mail soon. Sally says the Australian edition is different, so I want to read it." - Tarie
"Dear Sally,
I loved going on tour with you through your site. I am one of the many groupies of your book Chenxi and the Foreigner, and I loved how you took us on a journey to the book's very inception, Shanghai, 1980s, complete with pictures from your dad! What I loved most about your book was its ability to capture the heady delirious excitement of first love, and its rather sexy and complex ASIAN male protagonist. Most love interests in young adult popular fiction (as opposed to young adult literature, which is what your book is) are focused on portraying white middle-class boys that look like Ashton Krutcher with blonde hair. You portray another culture with great sensitivity and kindness. Thank you for a brilliant book!" - Alice
Friday, September 4, 2009
blog tour - that's it from me!

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Blog tour Day Three

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Blog tour Day Two

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Shanghai past and present

Well, it's Day One of my 'blog tour' (see below) - at least in the US - which makes it all a little confusing, but keeps me on my toes! Anyway, I have turned up for work, so I guess that's the main thing, isn't it?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Chenxi and the Foreigner - Annick Press cover

My good friend, Rachel Power, commented on the gorgeous new Annick Press cover (see below) and this has given me the idea of starting off this blog tour by saying a few words about it. I was so thrilled when I received the image via email - I knew instantly that the designer had absolutely understood the book as he had summed up the main theme so brilliantly in a single image. The three Chinese characters tattooed on the back of the girl's neck are 'Wai Guo Ren' - or 'foreigner', in Chinese. In the beginning of my novel, my protagonist, Anna, believes she is fitting in so well at the Art Academy in Shanghai; she has made friends, she has impressed her fellow Art students with her painting, she convinces herself that she understands the locals so much more than her distant and aloof expatriate father does. Yet it is only later in the book that she realises that no matter how hard she tries, no matter how long she stays, she will never be accepted into this new country that is so different to anything she has ever known. She will always be branded a foreigner - even if she can't see this for herself. That vulnerability of being tattooed with this label, on the back of her neck, where everyone can see it except for her, mirrors for me so well the vulnerability of being in a foreign place and, even worse, the danger of falling in love with a total stranger.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Blog tour of Chenxi with Annick Press
Children’s and young adult author Sally Rippin is heading off on a blog tour to promote her book Chenxi and the Foreigner. She’ll be appearing in the following blogs over the week of Aug. 31 to Sept. 4, so follow along for fun interviews, reviews, giveaways, book chats, and more! Also, be sure to check out Sally Rippin’s blog throughout the tour, as she’ll be posting updates and sharing pictures from her time in China (1989–1992) that inspired Chenxi and the Foreigner!
Monday, August 31: Tea Time at Annick Press
Tuesday, September 1: The Book Muncher
Wednesday, September 2: Cindy’s Love Of Books
Thursday, September 3: Green Bean Teen Queen
Friday, September 4: Hey! Teenager of the Year
Saturday, September 5: Into the Wardrobe
Note: the tour dates are based on North American time zones; if you’re following along from Australia (like Sally!), you can either stay up really late or just wait until the next morning!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Annick Press cover

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hardback copies of 'Millie' for sale

Friday, July 31, 2009
Advance copies of my new book.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Post number one

Hello. Thanks to my good friend and inspirational blogger Rachel Power, I am finally joining the blog world. I'm not expecting to be a regular user (who knows?) but hope to use this site to chat about new books I'm working on, or books that have just been released.
This picture is from one of my latest books that I illustrated for Martine Murray, which will be released in September. More on this to come.
I'd love to hear from anyone who happens to stumble across my blog (particularly any of my readers - books, that is!), so I can see if maintaining one of these things is really worthwhile.
I'd also like to use this blog to draw attention to other great blogs and websites I come across so don't forget to click on the links.
Well, that wasn't really too painful...
Back soon!